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Version: v0.8.0

Azure Storage - Tables


To have access to the following features, you have to import the module:

PS> Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.Storage.Table

Creating a new table in an Azure Storage Account

(Re)Create a Azure Table Storage within an Azure Storage Account.

ResourceGroupNameyesThe resource group where the Azure Storage Account is located
StorageAccountNameyesThe name of the Azure Storage Account to add the table to
TableNameyesThe name of the table to add on the Azure Storage Account
RecreatenoThe optional flag to indicate whether or not a possible already existing table should be deleted and re-created
RetryIntervalSecondsnoThe optional amount of seconds to wait each retry-run when a failure occurs during the re-creating process (default: 5s)
MaxRetryCountnoThe optional maximum amount of retry-runs should happen when a failure occurs during the re-creating process (default: 10)


With non-existing table:

PS> Create-AzStorageTable `
-ResourceGroupName "stock" `
-StorageAccountName "admin" `
-TableName "products"
# Azure storage table 'products' does not exist yet in the Azure storage account 'admin', so will create one
# Azure storage table 'products' created in Azure storage account 'admin'

With existing table and re-create:

PS> Create-AzStorageTable `
-ResourceGroupName "stock" `
-StorageAccountName "admin" `
-TableName "products" `
-Recreate `
-RetryIntervalSeconds 3
# Azure storage table 'products' has been removed from Azure storage account 'admin'
# Failed to re-create the Azure storage table 'products' in Azure storage account 'admin', retrying in 5 seconds...
# Failed to re-create the Azure storage table 'products' in Azure storage account 'admin', retrying in 5 seconds...
# Azure storage table 'products' created in Azure storage account 'admin'