Azure DevOps
To have access to the following features, you have to import the module:
PS> Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
PS> Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.DevOps -Repository PSGallery -AllowClobber
Setting a variable in an Azure DevOps pipeline
Assign a value to a DevOps pipeline variable during the execution of this pipeline.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
Name | yes | The name of the variable to set in the pipeline |
Value | yes | The value of the variable to set in the pipeline |
AsSecret | no | The switch to set the variable as a secret |
Setting a variable:
PS> Set-AzDevOpsVariable "my-variable" "my-variable-value"
##vso[task.setvariable variable=my-variable] my-variable-value
Setting a variable as a secret:
PS> Set-AzDevOpsVariable "my-variable" "my-variable-value" -AsSecret
##vso[task.setvariable variable=my-variable;issecret=true] ***
Setting ARM outputs to Azure DevOps variable group
Stores the Azure Resource Management (ARM) outputs in a variable group on Azure DevOps.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
VariableGroupName | yes | The name of the variable group on Azure DevOps where the ARM outputs should be stored |
ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableName | no | The name of the environment variable where the ARM outputs are located (default: ArmOutputs ) |
UpdateVariablesForCurrentJob | no | The switch to also set the variables in the ARM output as pipeline variables in the current running job |
Without updating the variables in the current job running the pipeline:
PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup -VariableGroupName "my-variable-group"
# Get ARM outputs from 'ArmOutputs' environment variable
# Adding variable $output.Name with value $variableValue to variable group my-variable-group
# Retrieving project details
# Set properties for update of existing variable group
Include updating the variables in the current job running the pipeline, to immediately make them available to the next pipeline tasks:
PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup `
-VariableGroupName "my-variable-group" `
# Get ARM outputs from 'ArmOutputs' environment variable
# Adding variable $output.Name with value $variableValue to variable group my-variable-group
# Retrieving project details
# Set properties for update of existing variable group
# The pipeline variable $variableName will be updated to value $variableValue as well, so it can be used in subsequent tasks of the current job.
# ##vso[task.setvariable variable=$variableName]$variableValue
Include user-defined environment variable for the ARM outputs:
PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup `
-VariableGroupName "my-variable-group" `
-ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableName "MyArmOutputs"
# Get ARM outputs from 'MyArmOutputs' environment variable
# Adding variable $output.Name with value $variableValue to variable group my-variable-group
# Retrieving project details
# Set properties for update of existing variable group
# The pipeline variable $variableName will be updated to value $variableValue as well, so it can be used in subsequent tasks of the current job.
Azure DevOps Example
This function is intended to be used from an Azure DevOps pipeline. Internally, it uses some predefined Azure DevOps variables.
One of the environment variables that is used, is the SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN
variable. However, due to safety reasons this variable is not available out-of-the box.
To be able to use this variable, it must be explicitly added to the environment-variables.
⚠ When you are using a Linux agent, you need to pass other environment variables that you want to use as well, because these are not available. To be able to use the
environment variable, it must be explicitly added to the environment-variables.
💡 We have seen a much better performance when using Linux agents, and would recommend using Linux agents when possible.
Example of how to use this function in an Azure DevOps pipeline:
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Promote Azure resource outputs to variable group'
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
ArmOutputs: $(ArmOutputs) # only needs to be set for Linux agents
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.DevOps -Repository PSGallery -AllowClobber
Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup -VariableGroupName "my-variable-group"
In Azure DevOps, below permissions need to be set on your variable group in order to make the 'Promote Azure resource outputs to variable group' task succeed. For more information on service accounts, see the official Azure DevOps documentation.
- Project Collection Build Service (
<your devops org name>
) - Administrator <your devops project name>
Build Service (<your devops org name>
) - Administrator
In ARM and Bicep templates it is possible to specify output parameters, this enables you to return values from the deployed resources.
To enable maximum re-use of these output parameters within your environment we developed this script which is available in the Arcus.Scripting.DevOps
PowerShell module. It allows you to store those output parameters in an Azure DevOps variable group. This helps you in making sure certain parameters are available throughout your Azure DevOps environment.
For example, think of a use-case where your vital infrastructure components are deployed in a separate Azure DevOps pipeline and need to be referenced from other components. Storing the necessary information such as identifiers, locations or names of these components in an Azure DevOps variable group allows you to easily use these values from other components.
Specify Output Parameters
So how does this work in practice? Let's take an example where we will deploy a very basic Application Insights instance and specify the Id
and ConnectionString
of the Application Insights instance as output parameters.
Our Bicep template looks like this:
param location string = resourceGroup().location
resource applicationInsight 'microsoft.insights/components@2020-02-02' = {
name: 'myAppInsights'
location: location
kind: 'other'
properties: {
Application_Type: 'other'
output ApplicationInsights_Id string =
output ApplicationInsights_ConnectionString string = reference(, '2020-02-02').ConnectionString
This Bicep template will deploy the Application Insights instance and place the Id
and ConnectionString
in the output parameters.
Updating The Variable Group
Now all we need to do is execute our script which will update the Azure DevOps variable group.
From an Azure DevOps pipeline this can be done like so:
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.DevOps -AllowClobber
Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup -VariableGroupName 'myVariableGroup'
Combining It All In A Pipeline
Now that we have walked through both steps, let's take a look on how to combine all this into an Azure DevOps pipeline. For this we use YAML and define two tasks, the first will deploy our Application Insights instance and the second will update our Azure DevOps variable group.
- task: AzureResourceGroupDeployment@3
displayName: 'Deploy Bicep template'
azureResourceManagerConnection: 'myServiceConnection'
subscriptionId: 'mySubscriptionId'
resourceGroupName: 'myResourceGroup'
location: 'West Europe'
csmFile: 'applicationInsights.bicep'
csmParametersFile: 'applicationInsights.parameters.json'
deploymentOutputs: ArmOutputs
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Update Variable Group'
system_accesstoken: $(System.AccessToken)
ArmOutputs: $(ArmOutputs) # only needs to be set for Linux agents
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.DevOps -AllowClobber
Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup -VariableGroupName 'myVariableGroup' -ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableName 'ArmOutputs' -UpdateVariablesForCurrentJob
There are a few things worth noting. First of all we define deploymentOutputs: ArmOutputs
during the AzureResourceGroupDeployment@3
task. This means that the output parameters we specified in our Bicep template will be placed in a variable called ArmOutputs
, this is then referenced during the execution of our script with -ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableName 'ArmOutputs'
Secondly we use -UpdateVariablesForCurrentJob
as a parameter when calling the script. This means that the output parameters from the Bicep file are also available as pipeline variables in the current running job. While not necessary in our example here, if you need to deploy another Bicep template that needs output parameters from an earlier deployed Bicep template this is the way to do it.
Finally we use system_accesstoken: $(System.AccessToken)
in the Powershell@2
task, this is necessary because we need to use the security token used by the running build.
Please note that the
variable is not available 'as is' when executing the Powershell task on a Linux agent. When using a Linux agent, you have to explicitly add that variable in theenv:
section of the Powershell task.
Closing Up
Using this setup we are able to deploy a Bicep template and update an Azure DevOps variable group with the specified output parameters!
⚠ Before running your pipeline, make sure the variable group already exists in Azure DevOps and the permissions below are set:
- Project Collection Build Service (
<your devops org name>
) - Administrator<your devops project name>
Build Service (<your devops org name>
) - Administrator