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Version: v1.5.0

Azure App Service


To have access to the following features, you have to import the module:

PS> Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.AppService

Set an app setting within an Azure App Service

Create/update a single application setting within an Azure App Service.

ResourceGroupNameyesThe name of the Azure resource group where the Azure App Service is located.
AppServiceNameyesThe name of the Azure App Service where the application setting will be created/updated.
AppServiceSettingNameyesThe name of the application setting that will be created/updated.
AppServiceSettingValueyesThe value of the application setting that will be created/updated.
PrintSettingValuesIfVerbosenoIndicator (switch) whether the values of the application settings will be written to the verbose log.


Setting an application setting within an Azure App Service.

PS> Set-AzAppServiceSetting `
-ResourceGroupName 'my-resource-group' `
-AppServiceName 'my-app-service' `
-AppServiceSettingName 'my-app-setting' `
-AppServiceSettingValue 'my-value'
# Checking if the App Service with name 'my-app-service' can be found in the resource group 'my-resource-group'
# App service has been found
# Extracting the existing application settings
# Setting the application setting 'my-app-setting'
# Successfully set the application setting 'my-app-setting' of the App Service 'my-app-service' within resource group 'my-resource-group'