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Version: v0.3

Azure DevOps

This module provides the following capabilities:


To have access to the following features, you have to import the module:

PS> Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.DevOps -RequiredVersion 0.3.0

Setting a variable in an Azure DevOps pipeline

Assign a value to a DevOps pipeline variable during the execution of this pipeline.

NameyesThe name of the variable to set in the pipeline
ValueyesThe value of the variable to set in the pipeline


PS> Set-AzDevOpsVariable "my-variable" "my-variable-value"
# #vso[task.setvariable variable=my-variable] my-variable-value

Setting ARM outputs to Azure DevOps variable group

Stores the Azure Resource Management (ARM) outputs in a variable group on Azure DevOps.

VariableGroupNameyesThe name of the variable group on Azure DevOps where the ARM outputs should be stored
ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableNamenoThe name of the environment variable where the ARM outputs are located (default: ArmOutputs)
UpdateVariablesForCurrentJobnoThe switch to also set the variables in the ARM output as pipeline variables in the current running job

Example Without updating the variables in the current job running the pipeline:

PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup -VariableGroupName "my-variable-group"
# Get ARM outputs from 'ArmOutputs' environment variable
# Adding variable $output.Name with value $variableValue to variable group my-variable-group
# Retrieving project details
# Set properties for update of existing variable group

Include updating the variables in the current job running the pipeline, to immediately make them available to the next pipeline tasks:

PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup -VariableGroupName "my-variable-group" -UpdateVariablesForCurrentJob
# Get ARM outputs from 'ArmOutputs' environment variable
# Adding variable $output.Name with value $variableValue to variable group my-variable-group
# Retrieving project details
# Set properties for update of existing variable group
# The pipeline variable $variableName will be updated to value $variableValue as well, so it can be used in subsequent tasks of the current job.
# ##vso[task.setvariable variable=$variableName]$variableValue

Include user-defined environment variable for the ARM outputs:

PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToVariableGroup -VariableGroupName "my-variable-group" -ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableName "MyArmOutputs"
# Get ARM outputs from 'MyArmOutputs' environment variable
# Adding variable $output.Name with value $variableValue to variable group my-variable-group
# Retrieving project details
# Set properties for update of existing variable group
# The pipeline variable $variableName will be updated to value $variableValue as well, so it can be used in subsequent tasks of the current job.

Setting ARM outputs to Azure DevOps pipeline variables

Sets the ARM outputs as variables to an Azure DevOps pipeline during the execution of the pipeline.

ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableNamenoThe name of the environment variable where the ARM outputs are located (default: ArmOutputs)

Example With default ArmOutputs environment variable containing: "my-variable": "my-value":

PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToPipelineVariables
# Get ARM outputs from 'ArmOutputs' environment variable
# The pipeline variable my-variable will be updated to value my-value, so it can be used in subsequent tasks of the current job.
# ##vso[task.setvariable variable=my-variable]my-value

With custom MyArmOutputs environment variable containing: "my-variable": "my-value":

PS> Set-AzDevOpsArmOutputsToPipelineVariables -ArmOutputsEnvironmentVariableName "MyArmOutputs"
# Get ARM outputs from 'MyArmOutputs' environment variable
# The pipeline variable my-variable will be updated to value my-value, so it can be used in subsequent tasks of the current job.
# ##vso[task.setvariable variable=my-variable]my-value